Functional Skills for Adults

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PFS Team February 23, 2024


University, employers and apprenticeships more often than not require you to have at least a grade C/4 in maths and English. As a result, this has left many people looking for alternatives. Here at Pass My GCSE, we help you book in for GCSE exams whether it be your first time sitting or it is a resit. Some university courses may require a certain grade (above a grade 4) in GCSE maths or English which require taking a full GCSE. In another case, you may just need to have a pass at GCSE or an equivalent, this makes a functional skills for adults ideal.

Functional Skills for Adults

With less content than a traditional GCSE, functional skills are suited to those with busy schedules and those who need their certificate quickly. Pass Functional Skills offer maths and English functional skills for adults. They have courses and exams available, find out more about these below.

Functional Skills English

The English course offered by Pass Functional Skills, covers everything you need to know for each exam. Within the functional skills qualification there are 3 components, you must pass each of them to get your certificate. These components are:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking, listening and communication

The course contains revision sections and exam-style questions which should help you to prepare for your exam. Also you will find AI mock exams which mark your answers using AI, showing you which marking criteria you have covered. This should help you see the areas you need to work on. Once you are consistently achieving 60% on mock exams you are ready to sit your exam.

Click the button below to find out more about what your exams will involve.

Functional Skills English

Functional Skills Maths

When working through Pass Functional Skills’ maths course you will find it is split into three general sections. These are:

  • Using numbers
  • Common measures, shape and space
  • Handling information and data

These sections are split up into more specific topics which cover everything you will need to know for your exam. All topics contain revision, practice questions and topic tests to help build your knowledge. At the end of the course there are some mock exams to help you prepare for your exam. Some of the mocks are specifically aimed at certain exam boards to help you familiarise yourself with how they ask their questions. Once you are consistently achieving 60% on mock exams then you are ready to sit your exam.

Click the link below to find out more information about functional skills maths exams.

Functional Skills Maths

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Pass My GCSE Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.