How to start good learning habits for your exams

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PFS Team February 26, 2024


Beginning your GCSE revision can feel overwhelming, with the initial challenge of starting being one of the hardest parts. It is really important to establish a consistent routine with your revision, this will help turn the process into second nature as you integrate it into your daily life. This blog explores different habits that you can adopt to help you succeed in your exams.

MME is inviting you to take part in a challenge – revise everyday for 21 consecutive days. If you accomplish this you will win a set of GCSE 2024 predicted papers. To learn more about the MME revision challenge, click here or read to the end of the blog.

Positive Revision Habits

Incorporating the following learning habits into your life can help you be better prepared for your GCSE exams:

1. Develop and keep to a schedule

Whether you simply allocate a few hours each day for revision or come up with a detailed revision timetable, dedicating specific time slots help distinguish your studying from the rest of your evening. Getting into a routine helps minimise guilt associated with not revising and provides a clear plan for your study sessions.

2. Establishing a study space

Creating a designated area for revision, separate from your bedroom, proves highly beneficial . This not only isolates you from distractions but also establishes a clear boundary between your study and relaxation spaces.

If an additional room isn’t feasible, make sure to maintain a tidy room and keep distractions out of reach. After completing your revision, ensure you clear everything away. This will help you divide your study time and relaxation time.

3. Keep healthy

When you are revising for your exams it is important to eat healthily. Maintaining a generally healthy diet is crucial for keeping energy levels up and improving concentration. While occasional treats are of course ok, try to prioritise nutritious meals where possible.

Another way to improve your concentration is by making sure you are getting enough sleep. Additionally, regular exercise, from a 10km run to a 30-minute walk, will release endorphins and help relieve stress.

4. Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself for hard work will help you get motivated. These rewards can be as simple as allowing yourself a half an hour break to watch an episode of your favourite TV show. Make sure you set yourself a challenge and reward yourself when you have accomplished it. In similar fashion, if you have completed revision daily for an extended period of time, grant yourself a guilt free day off.

MME Revision Challenge

Here at Pass My GCSE we want to encourage you to join the challenge MME have set to motivate you to adopt these healthy revision habits. They are challenging you to complete a section of any MME Premium course every day for 21 days. If you share proof on social media, tagging @mmerevise, you have the will win a set of GCSE 2024 predicted papers. Join your fellow GCSE students participating in the MME revision challenge today and start building positive learning habits.

In order to participate in the challenge you will need to be signed up for MME Premium. Learn more about MME Premium and how to sign up by following the provided links.

More information about MME Premium

Sign up to MME Premium

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Pass My GCSE Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.